How to create a custom BitCoin address


custom Bitcoin address

Would you like to have a custom Bitcoin address like 1MyAddresseNngkoXEeobR76a53LETnpyT? Do you know that create a custom address is possible? Would you like to know how to generate a custom bitcoin address? Keep reading!

What is a Vanity Address?

Vanity address is a classic bitcoin address that starts with some string of characters or regex that you prefers. It’s just like having a custom number phone on your mobile or a custom license plate! The main problem with vanity addresses is that in order to create them, we need to brute force a lot of addresses, because the search for a pattern is probabilistic. There is no way to brute force the address generator without a brute force. It’s just like find a password for the desired username.

So, do you want a custom Bitcoin address, for example 1MyAddresseNngkoXEeobR76a53LETnpyT?

It’s sound strange, but it’s possible! With VanityGen you can create your unique bitcoin address starting with your desired words.

Vanitygen is a command line tool that accepts as input a word, a pattern or list of patterns to search for, and produces as output a list of addresses and their private keys. Vanitygen’s algorithm is probabilistic and the amount of time required to find a given pattern depends on how complex the pattern is, the speed of your computer, and whether you get lucky!


  • Dual-core desktop CPUs, 32-bit mode: 100-250 Kkey/s.
  • Dual-core desktop CPUs, 64-bit mode: 150-450 Kkey/s.
  • Quad-core desktop CPUs, 32-bit mode: 200-400 Kkey/s.
  • Quad-core desktop CPUs, 64-bit mode: 300-750 Kkey/s.

Vanitygen is the perfect tool to create custom bitcoin address; the software is secure, but you should run the tool in a black box and out of internet PC, to be sure that nobody read your private keys generated.

Using vanitygen to brute force

Are you thinking of using vanitygen to brute force a public Bitcoin address with tons of BTC stored? Just move on 🙂 here an example of time needed to brute force an address:

1Bless than 1s
1Biless than 1s
1Bitless than 1s
1Bitcless than 10s
1Bitco3 minutes
1Bitcoi3 hour
1Bitcoin1 week
1BitcoinE1 year
1BitcoinEa60 years
1BitcoinEat3,500 years
1BitcoinEate200,000 years
1BitcoinEater11,700,000 years
1BitcoinEaterAddressDonotUse3.3E+33 or 3.3 decillion years.


You can download vanitygen tool from github:

Download vanitygen

Or you can try the web application:

Vanitygen web generation